Game Theory
Cornell University ⋅ ECON4020 ⋅ Spring 2017- The final exam will be on Tuesday, May 16th at 14:00 in Uris Hall G01. The exam is cummulative, but it will focus on the topics we have covered since the second prelim (repeateg games, principal-agent problems, auctions, and matching). There will be a multiple choice question as in the second prelim.
course information — syllabus — grade distribution
Course Outline
Part 1 — Games and Rational Agents
Introduction to game theory
— Watson Ch. 1
⋅ slides
⋅ chronology of game theory
- The Cheong Gye Cheon Restoration Project (2003–2005) removed about 7 miles of highway from Seoul, Korea, and replaced it with a public recreation space. According to Wikipedia, “the project sped up traffic around the city when the motorway was removed”.
- In 1986, San Francisco voters rejected an initiative to tear down the Embarcadero Freeway given the posibility that removing the freeway would cause gridlock. A major Earthquake in 1989 caused parts of the freeway to close, and there was no noticeable effect in traffic. The freeway was eventually removed in 1991. You can read more about this and other succesful highway replacement stories here.
- The Voie Georges-Pompidou along the right bank of the Seine used to be one of the busiest roads in Paris. Since September 2016, it has been temproatily closed to motor vehicles. If succesful, this trial pedestrianisation could become permanent.
- Rochester is currenty undergoing a project to replace a 60-year-old highway bypass with a boulevard and prime land for development. We still have to wait to see the effect on traffic.
- Extensive form games — Watson Ch. 2 & 14 ⋅ slides ⋅ guided exercise
- Strategic form games — Watson Ch. 3 ⋅ slides ⋅
- Rationality and dominance — Watson Ch. 4–6 ⋅ slides
Part 2 — Solution Concepts
- Common knowledge and rationalizability — Watson Ch. 7 & 8 ⋅ slides ⋅ Kneeland (2015) ⋅ ⋅ ⋅
- First problem set — due on 2/23 ⋅ assignment ⋅ answers
- First preliminary exam — 2/28 — practice ⋅ answers
- Equilibrium — Watson Ch. 9, 10 & 11 ⋅ slides ⋅ Brandenburger (1992) ⋅ Chiappori, Levitt & Groseclose (2002) ⋅ Gaurioty, Pagez & Wooders (2016) ⋅ Batzilis, Jaffe, Levitt, List & Picel (2016) ⋅
- Backward induction and perfection — Watson Ch. 15 & 19 ⋅ slides (preliminary) ⋅ play nim ⋅
Part 3 — Moral hazard
- Pareto efficiency, moral hazard and contracts — Watson Ch. 13 ⋅ slides ⋅ Easley & Kleinberg Ch. 8, Braess Paradox ⋅ Hölmstrom (1982) ⋅
- Repeated interactions — Watson Ch. 22 & 23 ⋅ slides (preliminary) ⋅
- Second problem set — due on 3/28 ⋅ assignment ⋅ answers
- Second preliminary exam — tentative date 3/30 — practice ⋅ answers
- Principal-agent problems — Watson Ch. 24 & 25 ⋅ slides (comming soon)
Part 4 — Private Information
- Bayesian games and Auctions — Watson Ch. 26 & 27 ⋅ slides (comming soon) ⋅
- Mechanism design — Tadelis Ch. 14 and Ch. 13
- Matching
- Third problem set — due on 5/09 ⋅ assignment
- Final exam — 4/16 at 2:00 pm in Uris G01